Hi! My name is Marianna and I currently live in Toronto, Ontario, where I'm working as an applied scientist for the automated reasoning group (ARG) at Amazon Web Services (AWS). ARG uses a wide range of formal methods and software verification techniques to ensure, and even mathematically prove, that software behaves as expected.
My background is, broadly, in programming languages and software verification. I'm interested in techniques that provide guarantees about program correctness—ideally, before a program is run. In my masters, I worked on static program analysis: algorithms that take as input a program's source code, and a question of interest (such as "does this program leak sensitive user information?"). The static-analysis algorithm then produces an answer to the question, with different degrees of precision.
In my PhD, I worked on type systems. My biggest result was the design and type-soundness proof of a subset of Scala that includes full support for path-dependent types and singleton types. The proof, written in the Coq theorem prover, took two years and three attempts to finish, and I get still happy every time I think that it actually worked out.
If you want to learn more, check out my projects below or feel free to get in touch. My projects can be found on github and gitlab.
Also, I love movies. If you're looking for recommendations or want to discuss—I've been keeping track of everything I've seen since I moved to Canada, in the Fall of 2012, with binary (star/no star—and even that is hard to keep consistent!) ratings assigned to every movie/documentary/series.
PhD at the University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON, 2014 - 2019
masters at the University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON, 2012 - 2014
Automated Reasoning Group with Rustan Leino
Seattle, WA, 2019
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Foundations of Programming Group with Derek Dreyer
Saarbrücken, Germany, 2018
IBM Watson Research Centre
York Town Heights, NY, 2015
San Francisco, CA, 2013
DeepSpec Summer School
Philadelphia, PA, Jul 2017
Oregon Programming Languages Summer School
Eugene, OR, Jun 2016
Midland Graduate Summer School in the Foundations of Computing Sciences
Nottingham, UK, Apr 2012
School in Applied Functional Programming
Utrecht, Netherlands, Aug 2010